COLOR TV "Paroxeteens" 7inch

You hear that? Sounds "POP", right? Pops and crackles. Lots of static too.

Perhaps wordplay on the anti-depressant sold under the brand name Paxil, the slashy "Paroxeteens" is an antsy buzz that's like a mosquito stuck in your ear. The singer bray verses and a "Whoa Oh! Oh! Oh!" kind of choruses in an anthemic and adenoidal tone. There's a guitar breakdown bit where surf waves crash up on some dayglo colored beach littered with broken glass. An underlying pop-punk thing seems to thread this together but it's off of any mood leveling drugs which make things a bit jumpier and maybe even slightly Buzzcocks-ish.

The flipside's "Night After Night" is more that ooey, gooey, chewy kinda thing but shifts into a higher and reckless gear, bringing to mind the Marked Men's streamlined sonic machine being lent to some Snowbelt rapscallions. It's all dented up and now the entire neighborhood reeks of exhaust fumes from them keeping the pedal pinned to the floor because the wanted to hear the revving sound for blocks around.

Get the prescription from Neck Chop records.
