SEX TIDE "Vernacular Splatter" 12inch EP

     Every time it seems Columbus, Ohio is down for the count punk rock wise, the city comes back and swinging hard. In the last couple of year or so the newer sweet noise coming of the town include, but limited to, Raw Pony, Nervosas and Day Creeper. Another one to be added to that list is Sex Tide.
     Scorched and tormented "Are You Even Alive" opens this 6 song 12inch not by asking the question politely or slightly nudging to see if you're just sleeping. Instead they go about finding out so by running you over with a truck that is fueled by the sludge that Filth era Swans would've been baptized in had the ever attended the church of the Cramps on a day where Kat Bjelland was giving a guest sermon.
     The guitars (courtesy of Chris Corbin, who did time with Geraldine and Mike Rep and occasional agent in Obnox's ear-drum rattling mission Jah Nada) slither like snakes through grass made of dagger blades in hunt of their prey on tracks like "Why Don't You Want Me", "Siren" and "Shame" and induced a sleep with one open paranoia boogie on "Cleveland Avenue" and "Neighborhood Safe Space." Above it all, singer/drummer Aurelie Celine provided a primal rhythm that is like voodoo beats thumped out by wrecking balls and brays in a way that it would take little if you wanted to convince someone that lady in town everyone thinks is a witch actually is and she has a rock-n-roll band.
     Only listen this record right before bed time if you want wet dreams that involve spiders carrying buckets of napalm crawling over you.   
