Spongy! That's it.
Weird squishy things soaking up weird squishy things.Things that give a person bad dreams. The kind of thing people wish don't swim up by them. Trailed by an ooze that looks used motor oil. With clumps of hair and cucumber peels floating in.
Wobbly too! Very wobbly. The squishiness brings on a seasick feeling. Out of phase guitar line wiggle flanged out scrawls of gurgling lost somewhere between some flick from long ago where they would tell the viewer "Welcome To The Future" and the scene that plays in the head in high school when it is found out that those 4 really weird guys with bacon greased chin and forehead zits, hunched backs and constant large stains on every piece of clothing that the own have a band.
Those old Sci-Fl films were just guessing what robot making music would sound like. It was all analog. The had no idea about midi and the perfect timed mechanical beat. They assumed we'd all be living on Mars. They thought robots would sound like trained monkeys running on car batteries or atomic power. The 4 really weird guys practiced really hard at learning tunes by Rainbow and even though they thought they sounded really spot on-everyone else was wondering if they were intentionally trying to sound like the Residents with sincere but inept rock chops.
Cop City/Chill Pillars sound like the spent a lot of time listening to both of the above along with the band
Weird squishy things soaking up weird squishy things.Things that give a person bad dreams. The kind of thing people wish don't swim up by them. Trailed by an ooze that looks used motor oil. With clumps of hair and cucumber peels floating in.

Those old Sci-Fl films were just guessing what robot making music would sound like. It was all analog. The had no idea about midi and the perfect timed mechanical beat. They assumed we'd all be living on Mars. They thought robots would sound like trained monkeys running on car batteries or atomic power. The 4 really weird guys practiced really hard at learning tunes by Rainbow and even though they thought they sounded really spot on-everyone else was wondering if they were intentionally trying to sound like the Residents with sincere but inept rock chops.
Cop City/Chill Pillars sound like the spent a lot of time listening to both of the above along with the band