Be it his time in the Fevers, the Sweet Faces, Donny Denim and whatever other p
rojects he's been involved in Brian Hermosillo aka Fever B knows his way around a loud, blaring and catchy as a virus going 'round pop song.
Armed with a rickety but reliable 4-track and some melodies inspired from tunes the "Good Times! Great Oldies" stations don't play anymore because they've decided to make room for Huey Lewis & the News and Billy Joel to skinny tie bands who albums haunt the dollar bins to Chinn & Chapman songs kids of the 70's know by heart (even if they don't know who Chinn and Chapman are but just by the bands who recorded their songs) to the the lo-fi garage trash 7inch blasts of the 90's-"The Lonely Sailor Sessions" encompasses a summer sound of carnival rides, late nights outside, frozen Cherry Cokes and young love that can (and usually does) go awry.
Five songs that blare but don't screech. Everything is stripped to it's bare essentials, once again proving the point that you can layer things in tons of gloop and throw all the garnishes you want but unless the meat that is the base isn't grade A what's the point. The priority here are the hooks that grab a hold where after even just one listen a person finds oneself humming the chorus and wondering "What IS THAT song?" Fever B doesn't meet those priorities. He exceeds them! Mark this one down as one of Smashin' Transistors highly suggested records for summertime 2010.

Armed with a rickety but reliable 4-track and some melodies inspired from tunes the "Good Times! Great Oldies" stations don't play anymore because they've decided to make room for Huey Lewis & the News and Billy Joel to skinny tie bands who albums haunt the dollar bins to Chinn & Chapman songs kids of the 70's know by heart (even if they don't know who Chinn and Chapman are but just by the bands who recorded their songs) to the the lo-fi garage trash 7inch blasts of the 90's-"The Lonely Sailor Sessions" encompasses a summer sound of carnival rides, late nights outside, frozen Cherry Cokes and young love that can (and usually does) go awry.
Five songs that blare but don't screech. Everything is stripped to it's bare essentials, once again proving the point that you can layer things in tons of gloop and throw all the garnishes you want but unless the meat that is the base isn't grade A what's the point. The priority here are the hooks that grab a hold where after even just one listen a person finds oneself humming the chorus and wondering "What IS THAT song?" Fever B doesn't meet those priorities. He exceeds them! Mark this one down as one of Smashin' Transistors highly suggested records for summertime 2010.